Got an event to promote, like a tourney? Is your stream lacking panache? Need a layout for a newsletter or zine? Do you need to occupy a group with connect the dots and word searches? Perhaps you otherwise want a visually appealing arrangement of images and text? I'll make your thing look as cool as it deserves!
Get in touch! plasticwomen at proton dot me!
Pricing will vary based on the scale of the project. I'll give you an estimate based on your pitch.
Stuff that will make a project faster and cheaper:
- Logos and typography that can be made with existing fonts
- Assets in a layout that I can source from somewhere else and manipulate from there (such as stuff from a game, art previously commissioned, etc)
- Simple or abstract backgrounds
- Any copy text that I don't have to make up
Stuff that is especially time consuming:
- Figure drawing
- Hand drawn lettering
- Animation